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Single Dataset Migration


This guide will help you migrate from multiple media datasets to one single dataset. Following this single dataset structure will ensure smooth navigation and better performance.

Preparing New Dataset

Please See Dataset for a recommended structure of the new dataset.

Note: The name can be change later.

Moving Files to new dataset

1.) Open up a tmux session so if your shell times out or you want to leave it to run it will continue in your absence.

To start the tmux session all you need to do is run


2.) To move the data to the new data we just created we are going to be using the rsync command to move all files to the new dataset with their structure intact.

ALWAYS DO A DRYRUN BEFORE YOU PROCEED WITH THE LIVE RUN by adding -n or --dry-run arguements to rsync

Replace /mnt/old/dataset/ and /mnt/new/dataset/folder with your datasets.

Dry Run Examples:

rsync -aHn /mnt/old/dataset/ /mnt/new/dataset
rsync -aH --dry-run /mnt/old/dataset/ /mnt/new/dataset
Append either | more or | less to the end to make to a bit easier if transfer a lot of files to make sure the structure stays how you want it with all files.

Once everything looks good remove -n / --dry-run from the command. We are then going to add --progress and --remove-source-files to rsync.

-aH retains permissions, and hardlinks while moving files recursively

--progress Shows the user the progress as rsync is running.

--remove-source-files will remove all files as they are transfered excluding folders.

rsync -aH --progress --remove-source-files /mnt/old/dataset/ /mnt/new/dataset/folder

If you get timed out during the move it's okay. In shell type tmux a to resume the session.

Renaming Dataset

1.) Once all data has been moved, you are free to exit tmux using exit. You are now free to delete all remnants of the old dataset.

2.) To rename the new media dataset in shell run:

zfs rename /old/dataset /new/dataset